This is How You Create Your Ideal Job

We are each here to fulfill a calling in this life. Work can be the vehicle through which we do that. We don’t have to make a trade-off between making money and doing work that feels deeply satisfying. It isn’t either/or. It’s both/and.

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    Dr. Kira Swanson

    Career and Life Coach

    Love Monday Coaching

    Who am I?

    I’m Dr. Kira Swanson and I’m a Life Coach for people who dread Monday. I work with senior leaders who feel unfulfilled in their work. Together, we tune into what they really want, find new perspectives, and summon the courage to take bold action. Whether it’s striking out on their own, landing in a new job, or thriving right where they are, I help my clients to Love Monday.

    How will you benefit?

    • Design your ideal job so that you will know it when you see it, or, if you’re so inclined, so that you can create it.
    • Gain greater satisfaction with your current position so that you come from a good place as you seek new opportunities.
    • Take control of your career by getting clear on your priorities.